Workshop on Number Theory and Modular Forms 2016

2016年12月19日 08:23  点击:[]

Workshop on Number Theory and Modular Forms2016

December 22-23, 2016

Invited speakers

Hongwen LuTongjiUniversity(china)

WenpengZhangNorthwest University(china)

JieWuCNRS of France(France)

Yingchun CaiTongjiUniversity(china)

GuangshiLvShandong University(china)

HayashidaShuichiJoetsu University of Education(Japan)

Thomas StollUniversity of Lorraine(France)

Haigang ZhouTongjiUniversity(china)

Zhefeng XuNorthwest University(china)

HengcaiTangHenan University(china)


School of Mathematicsand Physics , Weinan Normal University,

Weinan,Shaan’xi, China

Address: No. 228 ofthe Yifu PracticalTraining Building

Time: 0800-12:00am,14:00-1830 pm

Welcome to attend!

Plan of talks

December 22Morning

Chair:Wenpeng Zhang(Northwest University )

1.09:00 - 09:45

HongwenLu (Tongji University)

Title: Abit of thinking about the Riemann hypothesis

Chair:JieWu(CNRS ofFrance )

2.10:10 - 10:55

HayashidaShuichi(Joetsu University of Education)

Title: Relations between Fourier -Jacobicoefficients of Siegel-Eisenstein series and its applications

Chair:Hongwen Lu (Tongji University)

3. 11:00 - 11:45

JieWu(CNRS ofFrance )

Title: Non-vanishing and signchanges of Hecke eigenvalues for half-integral weight cusp forms

December 22Afternoon

Chair:Yingchun Cai(Tongji University)

4.14:00 - 14:45

Wenpeng Zhang(Northwest University)

Title:On the fourth powermean ofthe generalizedcubicGauss sums

Chair:Title: HailongLi(Weinan Normal University)

5. 14:50 - 15:35

Guangshi Lv(Shandong University)

Title: Mean value theoremconnected with Fourier coefficients of Hecke-Maass forms for SL(m,Z).

Chair:HayashidaShuichi(Joetsu University ofEducation)

6. 16:00 - 16:45

Yingchun Cai(Tongji University)

Title: Some new results inanalytic number theory

Chair: Guangshi Lv(Shandong University)

7. 16:50 - 17:35

Hengcai Tang(Henan University)

Title: Zerodensity estimates for automorphic L-functions near $\sigma=1$

Chair:Zhefeng Xu(Northwest University )

8.17:40- 18:25

HaigangZhou(Tongji University)

Title: Counting zeros in quaternion algebras using Jacobi forms



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