Workshop on Number Theory and Modular Forms2016
December 22-23, 2016
◆Invited speakers
●Hongwen LuTongjiUniversity(china)
●WenpengZhangNorthwest University(china)
● JieWuCNRS of France(France)
●Yingchun CaiTongjiUniversity(china)
●GuangshiLvShandong University(china)
●HayashidaShuichiJoetsu University of Education(Japan)
●Thomas StollUniversity of Lorraine(France)
●Haigang ZhouTongjiUniversity(china)
●Zhefeng XuNorthwest University(china)
●HengcaiTangHenan University(china)
School of Mathematicsand Physics , Weinan Normal University,
Weinan,Shaan’xi, China
Address: No. 228 ofthe Yifu PracticalTraining Building
Time: 08:00-12:00am,14:00-18:30 pm
Welcome to attend!
Plan of talks
December 22Morning
Chair:Wenpeng Zhang(Northwest University )
1.09:00 - 09:45
HongwenLu (Tongji University)
Title: Abit of thinking about the Riemann hypothesis
Chair:JieWu(CNRS ofFrance )
2.10:10 - 10:55
HayashidaShuichi(Joetsu University of Education)
Title: Relations between Fourier -Jacobicoefficients of Siegel-Eisenstein series and its applications
Chair:Hongwen Lu (Tongji University)
3. 11:00 - 11:45
JieWu(CNRS ofFrance )
Title: Non-vanishing and signchanges of Hecke eigenvalues for half-integral weight cusp forms
December 22Afternoon
Chair:Yingchun Cai(Tongji University)
4.14:00 - 14:45
Wenpeng Zhang(Northwest University)
Title:On the fourth powermean ofthe generalizedcubicGauss sums
Chair:Title: HailongLi(Weinan Normal University)
5. 14:50 - 15:35
Guangshi Lv(Shandong University)
Title: Mean value theoremconnected with Fourier coefficients of Hecke-Maass forms for SL(m,Z).
Chair:HayashidaShuichi(Joetsu University ofEducation)
6. 16:00 - 16:45
Yingchun Cai(Tongji University)
Title: Some new results inanalytic number theory
Chair: Guangshi Lv(Shandong University)
7. 16:50 - 17:35
Hengcai Tang(Henan University)
Title: Zerodensity estimates for automorphic L-functions near $\sigma=1$
Chair:Zhefeng Xu(Northwest University )
8.17:40- 18:25
HaigangZhou(Tongji University)
Title: Counting zeros in quaternion algebras using Jacobi forms